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not, they satisfied Ji Heng outside and you will went ballistic as he spotted his nephew dressed up particularly a good girl

not, they satisfied Ji Heng outside and you will went ballistic as he spotted his nephew dressed up particularly a good girl

To he does not want to possess Tian Qi so you can exit, Ji Heng is actually left no choices however, in order to fire a reluctant Tian Qi away from her blog post as the his personal doc so you’re able to appease their aunt.

Ji Heng delivered Tian Qian to a remote farming village so you’re able to tend to an enthusiastic herb garden. The guy believe the daddy she is actually out-of him the higher becasue the actual sight out-of their own frustrated him plenty.

But when she CГ‰REBRO mГіvel is actually finally out eyes, Ji Heng discovered that the guy cannot bed. He had been missing their unique. His sleepness nights turned into people serving him their disease too. If the the guy can’t sleep, they dare maybe not bed.

Sheng Anhui decided to go to see Tian Qian to ask their own to help you return while the Ji Heng and everyone more had had a bad night bed just like the she remaining.

Tian Qian thought about it but she don’t only get back instead being purchased by Ji Heng to go back. As an alternative she gave a place pillow along with her favorite gardenia flower inside it to Shen Anhui to pass to help you Ji Heng. That should get him to sleep.

Exactly what Ji Heng asked in the event the Chun Hua is actually this option, he recalled a rest she shortly after asserted that she was already in love with people

When Sheng Anhui gone back to Mansion Ji, he informed Ji Heng that exactly what the guy saw almost bankrupt their heart. Tian Qi was at particularly a disappointed condition. She was most of the facial skin and you will skeleton, she are wasting away from the temperature to the farm.

Ji Heng noticed thus sorry and accountable from the Tian Qi, he advised Sheng Anhui that he will go observe to have himself.

However when it had them, Tian Qian try anything but wasting aside.Read More »not, they satisfied Ji Heng outside and you will went ballistic as he spotted his nephew dressed up particularly a good girl