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Jubair; thus the guy sent good messenger in order to Aban b

Jubair; thus the guy sent good messenger in order to Aban b

Nubaih b. Wahb stated that ‘Umar b. Ubaidullah designed to marry Talha b. ‘Umar to the child regarding Shaiba b. Uthman to go to the newest ir out-of Hajj. Aban said: We read ‘Uthman b. ‘Affan say that Allah’s Messenger (could possibly get tranquility feel up on him) got said: A great Muhrim need to none marry himself, nor program the marriage of some other that, nor will be the guy make the suggestion from relationships.

Aban b

Nubaih b. Wahb reported: Umar b. Ubaidullah b. Ma’mar delivered me to Uthman.The guy ( Uthman) was at the period (busy) from the seasons of Pilgrimage.He said: I consider him become one of your own wasteland (for this is a very common material) you to definitely an excellent Muhrim is also none marry, neither is actually he supposed to be partnered so you’re able to people.It is Uthman (b.Affan) who said which so you can you off Allah’s Live messenger (could possibly get comfort become through to him).

Uthman b. ‘Affan stated that Allah’s Messenger (get tranquility be through to him) got told you: Good Muhrim is always to neither get married himself, neither is the guy end up being had partnered so you’re able to individuals, neither would be to he make suggestion off matrimony.

Uthman when he planned to improve proposition of your matrimony out of their son to the child of Shaiba b

‘Uthman (b.’Affan) advertised they straight from Allah’s Apostle (may serenity getting upon your) he said: A Muhrim is to neithermarry (in this condition) nor improve suggestion of wedding.

Nabaih b. Wahb reported that Umar b. ‘Ubaidullah b. Ma’mar meant to get married their young man Talha towards child away from Shaiba b. Jubair in Pilgrimage. Uthman is at that time brand new Amir from Pilgrims.Therefore he (‘Umar b.Read More »Jubair; thus the guy sent good messenger in order to Aban b