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Tied within the tangles? Polygamy persists into the DR Congo despite exclude

Tied within the tangles? Polygamy persists into the DR Congo despite exclude

Bukavu (DR Congo) (AFP) – “I can get is to find so you can eight spouses,” said Congolese church pastor Chirhuza Zagabe, a spouse so you’re able to four spouses and you may dad away from 16 people.

Into the 2012, new sixty-year-old married about three women on top of that in the chapel in the eastern Democratic Republic out of Congo. He repudiated you to getting “crappy behaviour”, nevertheless now features four old ranging from twenty six and you will forty eight through other marriages.

Zagabe’s state suggests that polygamy persists on the big central African nation, in which supporters strongly back the technique of having a wedding to a whole lot more than simply one individual even after they being officially banned for lots more than just 30 years.

As much as several % of earth’s inhabitants live-in polygamous house, according to Western think-tank, Pew Lookup Cardiovascular system.

The latest practice is actually really widespread inside sandwich-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 11 % of your inhabitants live in polygamous households.Read More »Tied within the tangles? Polygamy persists into the DR Congo despite exclude