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Relationship anywhere between head size, chew force, sufferer handling performance and you can diet in 2 sympatric lacertid lizards

Relationship anywhere between head size, chew force, sufferer handling performance and you can diet in 2 sympatric lacertid lizards

Wiebe P. H., Morton A great. W., Bradley A. M., Backus R. H., Craddock J. Elizabeth., Hairdresser V., mais aussi al. (1985). The fresh new development in the fresh new MOCNESS, a process for sampling zooplankton and you will micronekton. Mar. Biol. 87 (3), 313–323. doi: /BF00397811

Wilkinson Grams. S., Dodson Grams. Letter. (1997). “Function and advancement of antlers and eye stalks into the flies,” in Evolution off mating options when you look at the insects and arachnids.Read More »Relationship anywhere between head size, chew force, sufferer handling performance and you can diet in 2 sympatric lacertid lizards